Wednesday, December 10, 2008

O Christmas Tree! O Christmas Tree!

Jon and I have been married 12 years. We've been cutting trees at Christmas for 13.
 As newlyweds with a big sense of adventure and a small budget, we decided cutting down our Christmas tree in the mountains instead of going to the local lot was the way to go. At $5 a permit, it didn't take much to convince us. Every Christmas since then, we have cut down our own tree. 
We always go the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Every year, that is a constant. We usually need a permit but as it turns out, they do it a little differently here in the East. We found a great little tree farm an hour from our house in Clemsonville MD. At only $15 a tree, any size, plus free punch and cookies and all the extra boughs we could cut, we were sold.
Our long-lost friends, Carl and Kristi, were about the same distance away in WV, so we decided to meet and hunt trees together. We met C&K years ago in UT when Et was just a baby. They might be the only people we know with four kids, who would actually load everyone in the truck and do something like this after having gone kamikaze-shopping on Black Friday. We love you guys!! The kids had a great time together. 
We couldn't have asked for a more perfect day! 
Anyone who knows me, knows I love snow, but seriously this was a perfect day. It was still so green and warm. We drove right up the hill to the trees and wandered around. No snowshoes, boots, gloves, bibs necessary. So easy! Later we went for pizza and root beer.   
Esther and Abby were instant friends. They are so dang cute! 
We'll post pictures of our beautiful tree later this week. I'm still tweaking it.

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Thanksgiving in Ohio

Sis and Mads. G&G bought them matching pj's.
Et and Max putting together a Bionicle. Peas in a pod those two.
Jen and Levi. That little nerf gun from Bingo was too much fun!
Gramma Lizzy and Grandpa Bucky - we have missed you terribly!

Okay, so maybe I'm not supposed to post twice on the same day, but I was a slacker last week and I need to catch up, so you get to see twice as much today as usual. Lucky for you, really.

Ohio was fabulous! The drive was long and the kids didn't want to sleep, but we survived. My parents were there already. Oh how I have missed them! The food was fabulous and the weather perfectly agreeable.  Lou and I went on a run. We played Bingo, as per an old family tradition. Esther cleaned up at Bingo. We had a great night, Lou, Nate, Jen, Levi, Jon and I, playing cards and laughing, talking. I miss that. I miss being with my sisters. 
Cousin time is the best. Max and Madie get cuter every time we see them.  It's almost like having two more kids, but not... if you see what I mean. 
There is so much to be thankful for this year. We all have different things that we are grateful for, so I won't post mine, but take a second to think about what means the most to you.