Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Coming to UT

Hey, hey, hey! We are on the countdown to our UT trip. We arrive in SLC on the 30th of May, only 11 more days! Jon actually gets to come with us for a small part of the time. It's the first time we've flown as a family since Italy, almost two years ago. Its a shorter trip than before, so we don't have as much time to visit everyone individually, but we still want to see as many friends as possible. One of the things we're looking forward to the most, besides chillin' with the fam, is a BBQ we have planned. I FB'ed it already, but for those of you not on FB here are the details:  On the 31st, Sunday, we're going to be at my parents' house in Orem (478 East 400 North). All you need to do is bring something for yourself for the grill and something to share with everyone else. We are going to supply drinks and paper goods. My parents' yard is beautiful and there is much to do . Bring the fam. There are three treehouses and a trampoline to play on. Hope you can make it as we will not be in UT again until the holidays and we want very much to see you all. Spread the word!

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