Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Life is Good

Today I am feeling mellow. Not to worry, it's not sadness, just contented contemplation coursing through my being. I have been thinking about gratitude lately. I have been thinking that I don't express my gratitude enough. I lead a very blessed, a very full and most importantly a very happy life. I want all of you, my friends and family out there, to know how grateful I am for you. Somewhere in the last 33 years each of you have touched my life. You've contributed to that happy life. Many of you touch my life everyday. You inspire me to see goodness, no - make that greatness, in the world around me. You help me to keep my perspective and be able to laugh at myself when all I want to do is scream, or cry, or both. You boost me up when I am feeling low, you lift me higher when I am already feeling on top. And you keep me humble when my head is in the clouds and I need to come back to earth. I miss so many of you and think of you often. Sometimes my arms ache for hugs from you and my cheeks need your kisses. I have so many "small world" moments these days. These are tender mercies from my Maker. He gives so much and then heaps more blessings on top of my overflowing cup. He has given me everything, all of you and I feel so blessed, so grateful for that gift. May you feel God's love this day. He is real. He is all around us. He loves us, every single one of us. And I love all of you. Thank you for being you. Thank you for everything. Go out and make today great!

1 comment:

Summer Owens said...

Hi Mishel,
Sorry I haven't left a comment yet. I've been reading though. I think you're a talented writer. I like your style of expressing yourself.