Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Days Like Today...

It's days like today that I am grateful for my life, my routine or lack thereof, my situation, etc. 

7:30 - This morning I woke up to my alarm playing For Good from Wicked. Mingled with that was the sound of the rain coming through my open bedroom window. It was glorious. I laid there for almost an hour listening to both and feeling perfectly content with my sweetheart sleeping beside me. Those random moments in the morning are when I feel most centered. I can talk with my Maker and gain strength for the day. My mind swims between conscious and unconscious thought. Often Esther will crawl into bed with me and we'll talk about our dreams and just be silly. And I'm pretty sure I've mentioned the love affair I have with my sheets...
8:30 - After stepping out of my warm covers into the cool room, I feel ready to tackle the day. I realize the kind of life I have now will not always be, but I love that Jon doesn't have to race off every morning. Some days, like this morning, he didn't have to be on campus until after lunch. To be able to spend time all together in the morning is rare and precious. We can read our scriptures as a family and eat breakfast together.
9:00 - After doing sit-ups and push-ups (getting stronger every time) I showered and actually did my hair - guaranteeing two good hair days. School day begins for the kids. Jon works on projects for school. 
12:00 - We went to a thrift store down the road and found some great deals. I got a denim jacket for three bucks! The kids added more than a dozen books to their library. Two shirts and two pair of jeans for Jon bringing the total to $15! I love 1/2 price days.
1:00 - Next, Jon to school and then home for lunch. A promised trip to the library was preceded by a wonderful email from an old friend. With only a hour on the meter, we raced through the library picking up our reserved books and did a spot of VT to a great lady who, as luck would have it, lives across the street from the library. 
4:00 - Home again, dishwasher loaded, W/D both going, finishing up schoolwork with the kids, I sit down to do agendas for pres. mtg, plan out tomorrow's shopping trip and write this post.
The rest of the day will go something like this:
5:30 - Make dinner. Feed the kids; kids feed the pets. Walk the dog. Then tidy up the house.
6:45 - Pres. mtg and Scouts for E.
8:45 - Mtgs. finished, home again. Kids bedtime routine and in bed by 9:00.
9:00-10:30 - My time! Jon is at school until late most nights which leaves me a spot of time at night to unwind, plan school for the next day, watch a movie, read one of the many books I am trying to finish, or chat with a friend. I love this time of day. It is my time.  
10:30 - Jon is home. We are all safe and sound under the same roof. We talk, watch Seinfeld, eat the goodies the kids never know exist, fool-around :). What?! Just being together is the best way to finish my day. Some days I am so tired I fall into bed. Others nights I putter through my night-time ritual (as Jon calls it) and read in bed until I can't keep my eyes open. 

This is my life. It is a full, sometimes crazy life. Today my perspective is good. I feel blessed for the things I get to do each day. I feel blessed to be able to spend so much time with my kids. I complain sometimes about this life of mine, but I love it. I love that it is mine. (Remind me of that the next time you hear me complain about it).


LaurieJ said...

What a great day! It made me happy just reading about it. Especially the waking up to rain...and staying in bed for an hour! Life is good :-)

Anonymous said...

NEED TO KNOW how many push ups and sit ups your up to--the race is on, girl!