Saturday, May 2, 2009

Crunch, crunch, crunch...

I finished the twohundredsitups challenge tonight. I was all too happy to finish that one up as I don't love crunches on the flat ol' floor. I would much rather be on my ball. I did the final test after I finished my round of pushups (which I had put off from yesterday) so I wasn't hoping for a single one passed 200 but I had the right tunes going and I just kept on crunching. I am happy to say I did 275 total! Yippee! I am going to keep at my routine on the ball which I find to be more effective and challenging anyway.

The pushups thing is killing me. I know I keep saying this, but it is entirely true. I have got to add more intense weight training to my arms on my days off if I am going to get any stronger. I have to say, I am able to crank out the number on each set but just barely and with shaking arms. Still, I am making progress. Tonights' set called for 113 total pushups and did exactly that. Some days, I do more than the required, but lately I am doing just what it says and then setting myself down gently so as not to collapse on my face. On the bright side, I still have two weeks to go and even then I have given myself a deadline of Friday May 29th (the day before we come to UT) as my true final. I want to be able to do more than the 100 at my final test. Who knows, maybe I'll be able to do a pullup at that point. Night all!


Anonymous said...

Two hundred squats as well? Damn! I'm impressed. I think I could do the sit ups (just the regular kind?), and I can do 100 push ups, but not all at once. I do this set thing too: start with 20, then 18, 16. . . all the way down to 2. But they are only girl ones. Looks like I've got a long, long way to go to rival my super strong niece!
I'll hope you'll drive past your old place and peek to see if the current owners are keeping it smashing looking.

Lorilee said...

WOW! Way to go. I am pretty confident that I am unable to do 1 "real" push up. So great job.

LaurieJ said...

You rock Mishel! Way to stick with your program.
I hate push ups!!

Ramona said...

Hey you will be happy to know that Chris and Atticus built the garden box today and planted the plants!!! We're gardening!!