Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Deep Sick Thoughts

I woke up late this morning after another night spent unable to breathe through my nose. Initially I woke early with a raging case of cramps, but after taking care of necessities I tucked myself back into bed, curled in the fetal position, thinking tragic poor-me thoughts. Being sick (this time) has revealed to me that I am an impatient person. I didn't think I was impatient by nature, but the truth has been revealed. Another morsel I discovered about myself is how much I take my health for granted. By and large I am a healthy person, or rather I don't often get sick. I have come to see these as being two very different things. Not getting sick does not make me healthy. It makes me lucky. I am fortunate to have not been unwell much in my life. I have only ever been in the hospital to have babies. I spent loads of time in the ER as a kid, most of which can be explained away by my lack of grace. I haven't had stitches, that I can recall. I've broken plenty of bones, but again - only as a kid. In fact, the first year we lived here in Baltimore, I can hardly remember being sick at all. We went the whole winter without catching anything. Nothing. Not one of us. Amazing right?!
I have been sick for two weeks now, since the drive home from the beach. I feel like I should have lost weight as I haven't been able to taste much this week and I have been expelling massive amounts of nasal debris daily. Not the case unfortunately. Oh well. I know it will pass and I will be well again. I do want to be well. But more importantly, I want to be healthy. I am going to take better care of this great gift I have been given - my body, my life. Here's to a healthier me.


LeAnn said...

Feel better soon. I hate being so sick like that. Makes you want to stay in bed indefinitely. Or chop of your head... one of the two.

Beth schell said...

I hope you feel better soon! I have been reminded to rejoice in my health lately. Unfortunately, my mom is facing cancer. Yes, health is such a blessing!