Can any of you still do headstands? Handstands? When was the last time you tried?
We are big fans of them here. Just something about being wrong-side up that makes you feel like a kid again. So get out a pillow, change out of your skirt :), and give it a try today. Take a look at the world upside-down. You might find everything to be a little clearer - even with all the blood flowing to your brain. :)
Sis is a quickly becoming proficient in the art of headstands. I remember at her age I spent more time upside-down than I did right-side up. It must be genetic.
Sis' journal page for the day. Doesn't that say it all? Headstands are fun and fun and fun and....
I remember you always doing headstands or handstands or cartwheels (which I still can't do) or backhand springs.......I was always so envious of your ability to be coordinated. Alas, I still struggle, but I might be able to do a head stand if I lean against the wall.
Man, I think Isaac and I should do some headstands today. It's been a really long time! You guys are awesome.
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